A key feature of Jesus’ earthly ministry is the importance and value He gives to children (e.g., Luke 18:15-17). At Vizazi Uganda, we share Jesus’ love for children and give them central importance in our ministry.

The teaching of Paul on baptism and the large body of New Testament teaching on the Church indicates that the Great Commission is primarily commissioning of the local Church. Therefore, the primary partner of Vizazi Uganda is the local Church (cf. Ephesians 3:8-10).
National Leadership
Vizazi Uganda believes that National Christian leaders are best suited to develop ministries that will equip churches in Uganda for effective ministry to children and their families. Vizazi Uganda seekso ut and partners with Churches in Uganda and Christian leaders who embrace the mission God has given us (Matthew 25:1-30, Colossians 1:15-29; Hebrews 4:15)

Excellence in Stewardship
We are committed to excellence that glorifies Jesus Christ in our ministry outreach and within our organization: in the stewardship of God’s Word; ministry programs and publications; finances and other material resources; and all Vizazi Uganda’s human resources.